Thursday, July 6, 2017

Journal 4 - Rory Feinberg

Based on your reading of Gee's article, what keywords do you notice him using? In other words, what terms does he focus on? how does he define these terms? what are the connections among them? What connections do you see between our class discussion about genre, audience, and knowledge and Gee's article on discourse?

I notice during Gee's article that he uses words like discourse and learning.  He defines discourse as a socially accepted assosciations among ways of using language, of think, and of acting that can be used to identify oneself as a member of a socially meaningful group. Basically what he's saying is their are proper ways to comport yourself around different social audiences whether that be a business meeting or the varsity football locker room, each standard of etiquette is different but still accepted amongst the social group.Gee conveys that learning and discourse are essential to being a good writer as well. Our class discussion was loosely based on learning from experience was well as your own personal way of acquiring knowledge and this is very parallel to gee's theory of acquisition. 

Next, consider the discourse community that you are interested in researching for project two. What is the discourse community? What "ways of using language, of thinking, and of acting" (Gee p. 29) distinguish this discourse community from others? How does one become a member of this discourse community? What role does writing seem to play in this discourse community?

I'm possibly interested in doing a piece on History, more specifically American history, but I possibly will research on engineering. If i were to focus on engineering  I would most likely investigate mechanical engineering because that is my desired major. Their are several terms and jargon used throughout the field of engineering and through my investigation I will define these terms and explore the writing aspect of engineering

Finally, what interests you about this particular discourse community, and how can you use that interest to develop your research project? In other words, think about why you want to become a member of this discourse community and what you need to know and be able to do in order to join it.

This particular discourse community would most likely be mechanical engineering. I'm most interested in aero-space and space exploration, so possibly I could write report on Nasa or Space X and their recent discoveries or plans for the future. I would love to enter this discourse community because I would love to be an innovator in the field of engineering. I'm going to have to learn lots of math and science if I would like to be within the field of engineering and be credible. I'm very excited to begin this project so I can truly take my first steps into exploring engineering as a major. 

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