Monday, July 24, 2017

journal 6 sarah wilkerson

Based on my readings, i would define medium as the way a text is presented, visually, spatially, or even in different forms of communications. In Wysoki's text, he talked about how different books and writings have specific ways they are presented. Such as a children's book being more spaced out and colorful than a research article. The video explained the medium of how we get text has changed throughout history, starting with oral, then visual text, then technology. Mcluhan even suggested that the content of what we have learned over the years matters less than the actual medium humans have received that content through. He made the connection that medium started orally, then through visual interpretation, and is finally being presented more heavily through technology. This is talked about throughout the video and then reenforced in Wysoki's text. Wysoki talked about the changing of how people write and how books have changed with the changing technological advancements throughout history. Wysoki mainly talked about the actual visual representation of the text and what we expect to perceive when we look at different forms of text. Medium connects to genre, audience, knowledge, and purpose because each of those terms are presented through a certain medium. Every genre has to be presented in a way that fits and goes along with that actual genre. The medium and spatial aspects of text depend on audience such as children's book being spaced out and colorful because they aren't able to read as well. Of course we must have a knowledge of everything to incorporate that into what medium would best fit the purpose of the text. This will help with project 3 because we are taking our research paper and converting it into a new medium that will best represent it. We first needed to actually know what medium is and how its actually really important in presenting information.

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