Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Journal 6 - Michaela Dugdale

Based off of the reading and my prior research of mediums, I would define medium as the words, pictures, colors, sounds, and other forms of design to show how a message is communicated not necessarily the content.  In Wysocki’s piece, she shows how the shape and style of the text and the placement of the words and columns effect the way a text is perceived.  In the very beginning of the video, it explains how McLuhan believe that what people communicate is less important than how they communicate it.

McLuhan, then goes on to talk about the technological advancements.  The narrator of the video believes his book “The Medium is the Massage” is a play on words for “mass age,” even though it is known to be a typo.  The video explains how the communication of text has grown; going from oral communication all the way to the internet.  In Wysocki’s piece, she has a section that focuses on the medium of a website.  The internet is a prominent part in the lives of people, especially millennials, in the 21st century and it just continues to grow.  Therefore, websites are a very common form of medium today.  She suggests how the shapes and photographs and even the sounds used on a website help form the perfect website for their audience.  

We can connect medium to genre, because of the different genres of typefaces and Wysocki explains hoe genre follows visual presentation of the page and text.  We can connect medium to audience because each specific type of medium is put together for a specific audience.  We can connect medium to knowledge, because the authors must have knowledge of their content.  We can connect medium to purpose because each medium is specifically manipulated to help authors achieve their purpose.  The understanding of medium will help me very m much for project three as i will now consider how I can communicate it and the placement and specific details of everything.

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