Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Journal Three - Michaela Dugdale

Before reading these three articles, I would have defined audience as anyone who reads the text.  After the readings, I would define it as those who the author writes for / to and those who gain knowledge and understanding about it.
Before reading these articles, I would have defended knowledge in writing as the information you knew before reading something, I would now describe it as the information you gain after reading something and how you could apply it to the world.
Lunsford defines audience as the receiver, listener, and reader of the text.  Estrem defines knowledge as to intentionally recognize and engage with writing as a creative activity, inextricably linked to thought.  These two terms are connected as the audience is the one who gains the knowledge of the writing. 

My understanding of knowledge and audience helps me understand and sympathize the situations she was in.  This text shows me that an author must understand his audience very well in order for them to gain the largest amount of knowledge.  Anzalgua’s use of multiple languages throughout the text helps contribute to my idea of audience.

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